With dental implants, missing teeth can be replaced permanently. They look, feel and function just like natural teeth. Unfortunately, they also carry a significant price tag. But don’t let that stop you from considering this life-changing treatment. With proper care and hygiene, dental implants can last many decades—even a lifetime.

But, the dental implant cost can vary considerably from patient to patient. That’s because an implant is not a single service, as with a filling or other dental procedure. It’s a multi-step process that includes the surgical procedure, the implant itself, and the replacement tooth or teeth. There are also costs associated with the abutment and restoration, which connects the implant to the artificial tooth or teeth. Finally, there are often other services involved, such as a computed tomography (CT) scan and bone grafting surgery if necessary.

Dental Implant Cost: Factors That Affect the Price

These additional procedures and the fact that most insurance plans do not cover dental implants can drive up the cost of a tooth implant. However, many dentists offer financing options to help patients manage the expense of a new set of healthy, natural-looking teeth.

One popular option is Afterpay, which lets you pay for your implant treatments in four interest-free installments. But, even without this or other financial assistance, there are a variety of ways to make the cost of dental implants work with any budget. Just talk to your dentist, explore different payment solutions, and never sacrifice quality for price. This will ensure that you receive the best possible care.