The Jacksonville, FL is the heart of your home’s drains. Keeping this essential part of your plumbing functioning properly will prevent costly repairs and protect the environment. The most important way you can keep your septic system working at its best is to have it regularly pumped by professional septic tank pumpers.

The Septic Tank Pumping Process Explained

A septic system is designed to filter wastewater based on weight, with solid waste sinking and liquid waste floating. The heaviest materials, known as sludge, settle at the bottom of the septic tank while lighter fats and oils rise to the top, known as scum. In between these layers is the gray water, called effluent. This fluid flows into the leach field, where it is filtered by the soil.

Depending on the size of your tank and the number of people living in your home, it’s a good idea to have your septic tank pumped every two to five years. Regular pumping will help prevent sludge buildup from reaching the level that causes clogs and backups.

When a septic tank is not pumped, it can fill with sludge that blocks the flow of wastewater into the drain field. This sludge will eventually wash into the soil absorption area, resulting in a nearly impermeable biomat that restricts wastewater movement and can cause sewage to back up into the home.

By having your septic tank pumped, you’ll prevent a buildup that can lead to expensive problems in your drain fields and home. It’s also important to only flush human waste and toilet paper. Other materials, such as cotton balls, “flushable” wipes, and hair, can contribute to a septic tank buildup and may not break down completely.