
General Advice For A Beginner In Scuba Diving

Scuba diving is an activity-rich in sensations and absolutely formidable. But this
activity is unique in its kind: it requires specific equipment and adapted techniques. If
this one interests you, then these few tips could be very useful to you. Here is an
article to read before doing your first scuba diving!
Use a 180-degree snorkel mask
There are many ways to go scuba diving. It is possible to go into deep water with an
oxygen cylinder, a professional suit and all the necessary equipment. But you can
also start alone, with quality equipment and suitable for occasional diving trips. For
this, the diving mask with a 180 ° view is ideal! It is equipped with a snorkel, which
allows you to observe the underwater world without going far from the surface, and
while continuing to breathe without an oxygen cylinder.
Remember to equip yourself with fins!
If it invites you to relax and observe underwater life, diving is also a sport. Indeed,
scuba diving is a sport accessible to all, but it should not be underestimated. This is
a fairly physical activity, which will require some effort on your part.
So, to practice this activity with pleasure, there is no need to be a high-level athlete,
only to have suitable equipment. To help you sweep a larger area without you
exhausting yourself, feel free to don a pair of fins. These will allow you to cover
greater distances without having to mobilize too much effort. So you can focus
exclusively on what’s going on underwater. Your movements will be more efficient
and less numerous, which should allow you to spend more time in immersion. After
the mask and fins, you can also purchase a wetsuit, if you wish. Other equipment
becomes indispensable in deeper waters.
Discover deep water diving with a professional
When you start a new activity, you often tend to want to go too fast and to grill the
steps. Scuba diving is a simple physical activity, but it can be dangerous if not done
properly. If you want to ditch your mask and snorkel to put on a wetsuit and an
oxygen cylinder, don’t do it alone. Start by making sure that your state of health
allows you to practice this sport by consulting your doctor.
Also, don’t buy professional equipment right away! Rent it from a service provider
and enlist the help of an instructor to carry out your first dives in deep water. Indeed,
unless you have a diving diploma, you cannot explore the seabed alone. At least, the
early days. An instructor should teach you all the basics of this unusual sport, safety
rules, breathing and decompression techniques… Water is an element as pleasant
as it is dangerous: it should not be underestimated.

Get your diplomas to become independent.
Diving can be learned! Diving with a snorkel and a mask can be done absolutely
anywhere, as long as you stay in the areas dedicated to swimming. Avoid venturing
into places where there is no security and in dangerous swimming areas (strong
currents, presence of dangerous marine animals, etc.). On the other hand, if you
want to gain autonomy in your practice of scuba diving, you will have to pass specific
diplomas. There are different levels of diving and to pass them, you need to
approach the PADI (Professional Association of Diving Instructors). This will allow
you to pass the different levels of training, from first scuba diving to the instructor’s
From twelve to sixty meters deep, each level gives you access to a new practice of
scuba diving. With the right diplomas, you can set off on your own to conquer the
seabed. And always push your passion for scuba diving further.…


The Three Pillars Of A Healthy Lifestyle

As you may already know, the three pillars of a healthy lifestyle are food, physical exercise, and adequate rest. Of course, all this is linked to having a good state of health, although sometimes we forget that mental health is also of crucial importance in a healthy lifestyle.

The Diet

A Healthy diet is one that covers the vital needs of the human being without including foods that can be harmful to our body. Some tips for a balanced and healthy diet are:

  • Include five servings of fruits and vegetables (best if they are local and seasonal)
  • Eat blue fish twice a week
  • Restrict the consumption of red meat (veal) and choose to consume chicken, rabbit, or turkey instead.
  • Reduce animal protein by cereals and starches, which are rich in iron, calcium, folic acid, and vitamins.
  • Use olive oil sparingly
  • Opt for steaming, oven or griddle rather than frying with oil
  • Avoid pre-cooked food
  • Avoid ultra-processed foods

The Sport

Performing physical exercise is essential to contribute to the healthy lifestyle that we are referring to in the article. Exercising contributes, on the one hand, activating the circulation system to improve blood flow, blood pressure, and raising good cholesterol, making – as a general rule – lower the risks of cardiovascular problems. On the other hand, the venous circulation is also activated and favored, avoiding possible complications such as varicose veins, fluid retention, and more.

On the other hand, performing physical exercise favors improving flexibility and agility, maintaining muscle tone, and reducing tiredness and physical limitations in the future.


Another fundamental habit for a healthy lifestyle is rest, essential for the body to recover and recover the energy necessary to face the day today.

Sleeping for 7 or 8 hours is key to being 100%, and there are some tips that you can write down to promote adequate rest. Let’s go there!

    • Related to the previous point: do sports. But not at any time. The best hours to do it are first thing in the morning or first thing in the afternoon. Doing it at night before going to sleep will activate you and cause the opposite effect to that desired.
    • It has the mattress you need. The mattress is essential since it is where our body rests for a third of the day. Having one of quality and adapted to the needs of our body is key.
    • Follow a routine at bedtime: it doesn’t have to be at the same exact and fair time, but the more regularly you add to your schedules, the easier it will be to get adequate rest.
    • Avoid work and digital media from bed: social networks, mobile phones, television … and replace it with a good session of reading and/or relaxing music or meditation.
    • Avoid consuming caffeine or other stimulating beverages early in the afternoon.
    • Control of alcohol consumption during the day.
    • Avoid heavy dinners and do it at least 2 hours before going to bed.
  • Avoid drinking liquids at least one hour before going to bed in order not to have to get up at night to the bathroom.